Gallery 34 will ship this wooden foot (shoe last from Wallstreeter Shoe Co. North Adams) to anyone in the USA for the ridiculous price of $12.34 -includes shipping & handling. Gallery 34 Graphics Dept. will also include any personalized message you would like on the 'foot' ie:
No profanity please. They make a great joke gift to send to a friend or enemy for that matter. They're also nostologic & neat. The shoe lasts can also be used as candle holders, paper weights, pen holders and shoe holders-duh. Truly a million & one uses for the creative mind. Why we even saw them being sold on the internetwith personalized messages on them! Send one to that 'special' person today! While supplies last we'll send 4 for $34.00 to any one address. Click on the image for more info or to place an order.