Gallery 34
Click the image for a negative
look @ the porches!
You've heard of the 6 Million Dolllar
Man--well this is the $6,000,000 VIEW!
Sources say Suites/Sweets are going to be in
the 200 dollar (and above) range. Yes, that's a night!
Location, location, location;
it IS Waterfront Property after all. "You
bring the beer, and I'll bring the beach chairs!"
Future Conference Center
Future Swimming Pool
The big question:What's
going to happen across the street?
Click for the otherside!
Gallery 34
staff photographers were recently given a private tour of the Porches Project
on River Street overlooking MASS MoCA. The new multi-million dollar hotel
project is taking shape and Bldg. #1 is expected to be open on June 1st!
For locals, it's rather hard to imagine that River Street has
become prime real estate, but indeed it HAS! Apparently
all property from Houghton St. to Veazie Street that runs along the Hoosic
River has already been gobbled up by those with the thickest 'rose colored'
glasses. This area is going to be HOT_HOT_HOT by mid-summer.
Watch this page for more
updates on what's happening 'along the river'.
Artwork left behind by the
construction workers.
They must be catching the 'bug' from MoCA!
Suggestion: stay in the
constuction business.
There's more $$$$ in