Ed Bassi, owner/operator of Steeples is flanked by Barbara &
Eric Rudd.
RoseMary Hartlege chats with Lynn Taft @ the new bar.
Two Directors 'chum' it up.
Ed Bassi,owner/operator, said that at the climax of the
event he looked into the
new dining room and saw almost 250 people! The Wine & Cheese
Reception was indeed a total success and brought together a wide range
of supporters from Artists to Zoologists (see Gallery 34's
ABCs). Bassi also stated that he'd
cater & sponsor a Gallery 34
event Anytime & Anyplace!
Here are a few photographs of the
'Party Peeple @ Steeples'.
Eric Rudd , CAC Director, studies a print of MohawkTrail (that
name is still the same isn't it?) circa early 1900s.
The bar WAS the
hottest/coolest place in the room!
Dee & Paul Garnish of Williamstown said they 'loved the show'.
RoseMary Jette hangin' with the Criddle & Combs art team.
The Three Sisters enjoy the scene/seen.